4EU+ ON-LINE Visioning Conference: The Transforming Role of European Universities, 24.10.2022

The 4EU+ Visioning Conference summarizing the achievements and impact of the three-year European Universities project and looking into the future of the initiative and European University Alliances will take place online on 24 October 2022, starting at 12:00.

Under the theme “The Transforming Role of European Universities”, the 4EU+ Visioning Conference aims to give the opportunity to our Alliance, to sister Alliances, and to Higher Education stakeholders, to showcase the major milestones reached within the three last years, as well as discuss the perspectives ahead of us for a purposeful and prolific future.

The conference has three main objectives: sharing experience and good practices, inspiring other HEIs to join EU alliances and envisioning the future for EU alliances.

Amongst our target audiences are EU alliance students and staff communities, but also the communities from universities that do not belong to an EU alliance.




Źródło informacji: https://4euplus.eu/4EU-16.html?event=24637&lang=en