call for applications is open from October 1st 2018


  • Objective: supporting the development and growth of the researchers employed at the University of Warsaw and Medical University of Warsaw to obtain grants for joint scientific research.
  • Basic condition: declaration for applying for a joint grant (UW – MUW) for scientific research from external founds (NCN, NCBIR, MNiSW,h2020) within 12 months from the date of applying for a “microgrant”.
  • Beneficiaries:staff employed at the faculties or basic units of the University of Warsaw and Medical University of Warsaw included in the N number and doctoral students planning an activity aimed at increasing their academic potential and international recognition and at obtaining a grant from external sources.
  • Support duration: Up to 9 months. May be granted once per 12 months (from the date of the settlement of the previous project).
  • Eligibility criteria:submission of an application as described in Annex no. 5 containing information relating to the applicants achievements, as well as a plan and schedule of activities and estimated expenditure involved in its implementation.
  • Examples of joint projects: covering the costs of joint operations aimed at preparing the project including short visits to foreign research centers (for example participation in a prestigious international conference, provided that paper has been accepted, library research), inviting a researcher with an internationally renowned reputation to the University of Warsaw or Medical University of Warsaw, initial research indispensable for lodging an application for a grant from external sources, covering the costs of proofreading by a native speaker of the scientific text for the purposes of publication in the journal.
  • Funding the stay at conferences / seminars (the conference programme or confirmation of acceptance of the paper should be attached) funding may be granted only for the duration of the conference / seminar, possible costs of the conference fee must be covered from other sources, preferred funding concerns the cost of purchasing tickets.
  • Evaluation:projects will be formally verified and evaluated by employees of the Office for Research Administration and Project Implementation Support Office. The final decision will be made by the Vice-Rectors for Research of UW and MUW.
  • Grant amount:established on individual basis, depending on the project. It should not exceed 10 000 PLN.
  • Precondition for implementation: an application or support by the Dean or the head of the basic unit of the University of Warsaw and the Medical University of Warsaw with the information on the lack of possibility of full financing or co-financing of the project from the financial sources of the unit.
  • Settlement of subsidies: Granted financial resources under a target subsidy have to be settled by the Office for Research Administration (part financed by UW) and the Project Implementation Support Office of MUW (part financed by MUW). For the substantive settlement a list of costs incurred with the signature of the Bursar’s plenipotentiary should be attached, within 30 days of the end of the project.
  • Applications should be submitted to the e-mail address:
  • Please address all questions regarding applications to Ms. Justyna Piecha from the Secretariat of the Vice-Rector for Research and International Relations, tel. 22 55 20 350

Additional informations: 

  • Only single scientific activity may be funded as part of the grant.
  • Salary for the project manager cannot be funded.
  • Applying for grant of activities not falling within the given categories requires an extended justification.